The stock capacitor in a Fender Champ 5E1 and 5F1 circuits is .022uF. This allows a great deal of bass through the circuit and the cap is frequently changed to restrict the low end and make the distortion a bit less muddy.
If you'd like to try changing this cap you can use the chart below to help select a value. In case you have trouble finding a place to purchase caps of the right value, each of the cap values in the chart has a link directly to a suitable part on the Mouser website.
Just click on any of the values and you'll see how it works.

The values in blue indicate that the cap values are in microfarads (uF). As the values get smaller I've switched to picofarads (pF) indicated in black.
If you are a bit foggy on the meaning of different capacitor values, see the capacitor values post.
The capacitor values here are good for a stock 5E1 Champ or a 5F1 Champ with a cathode bypass cap on the first stage (the frequencies shift a bit if that cap is not present and stock 5F1 champs don't have the bypass cap).
They'll also work in place of the tone stack in a Champion 600.
Are these frequencies the -3dB points?
Yep, that they are. I should have said - thanks for mentioning it.
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